Lamarck was one of the first scientists to understand that changes occur with time, and that changes are an adaptation to the environment. According to Lamarck, these changes are acquired during the organism's lifetime, and are then passed on to the offspring.

In his work 'Zoological philosophy' he explained a new theory he named as 'The law of use and diuse' which stated that organisms react to changes in their environment by changing or strengthening a determined organ. However, in the same way an organ can stop working or disappear if it stops being used. The changes that an organism undergoes have a tendency to go towards perfection, in order to acquire features to help them live successfully in their environment. Nevertheless, Lamarck's theory could not explain how were traits inherited from one generation to the other, and didn't convince the scientific society, as the theory didn't follow the scientific method (he could not prove it through experimentation).
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